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Disabling submissions on apps

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You can disable submissions on a Clappia app. This is useful for apps where you want some on-the-fly calculations but you don't need to view the submissions made by the users. For example, a pricing calculator for a product or a loan EMI calculator.

To disable submissions on a Clappia app, follow these steps.

  • Sign in to your Clappia account.
  • Open the app in which you want to disable the submissions.
  • Go to the Edit mode of this app.
  • Click on the Submit button and a right panel of it's configuration appears.
Disabling submissions on apps
  • Disable Submissions allowed on this app.
Disabling submissions on apps
  • This is how it appears. Users cannot make any submissions as they won't be able to see the Submit button.
Disabling submissions on apps
  • They can play around with the app, for example, try out the pricing of different plans, but they won't see the Submit button.
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