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Data Input Blocks

Address Block (Beta Release)

This article explains the Address Block that can be used to search for Addresses and get their GPS Locations.

Address Block

Use Cases

  1. Address verification: The block can be used to verify and validate user-entered addresses, ensuring they are accurate and complete.
  2. Location tagging: Users can tag specific addresses to their posts, messages, or other content within the app, providing context or location information.
  3. Contact information collection: The block can assist in collecting and storing accurate address details of users or customers for contact purposes.
  4. Data enrichment: The GPS location and address information can be used to enrich user profiles or data within the app, providing additional context or insights.
  5. Address sharing: Users can share specific addresses with others through the app, facilitating communication or coordination related to a particular location.
  6. Address-based search: The app can utilize the GPS location and address information to perform searches within the app, retrieving relevant content or data associated with specific addresses.
  7. Routing or directions: The GPS location can be used to provide directions or routing information within the app, helping users navigate to a chosen address.

Editing the Block

Click on the block and start editing on the panel that appears on the right side.

Address Block


This is what appears as the label for the Address Block. For example, "Customer Address", "Delivery Address". "Search for the pickup Location".


Additional Help Text with the Block. For Example, "Start typing the Customer's Address".


Enable this option to tell the user that it is a compulsory field.

Countries List

Admins can define a list of countries here to restrict the Address Searches to happen only within those countries.

Address Block

Display this field if

A condition to decide whether the Block should be displayed or not.

Using the Block

End-users of the App can start typing the Address. They will start seeing Address suggestions and when they find a suitable address, they can select it. On selecting, the GPS Location of that Address will be displayed on a Map below.

Address Block

Using the GPS Location of the selected Address

The App Admin can define a formula to fetch the GPS Location of the selected address and use it in other blocks. For example, GeoTagging of uploaded photos, calculating distance between two locations etc.

Address Block

Points to Note

  • The Block does not work in Link Sharing mode.
  • Currently the Block is under a Beta Release, so all the users can try it out. Going forward the usage and pricing details might get updated for this block.

Address Block

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