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Data Input Blocks

Single Line Text

This article explains the features of the Single Line Text block and how it can be used to design your app.

Single Line Text

Use Cases

1. Short Answers

2. Numbers

3. Emails

4. Phone Numbers5. URL

Editing the Block

Click on the block and configure it by editing on the right panel.

Single Line Text

Single Line Text


The label is the name of the block that the end user sees in the app.

Example: Company Name is written as the label and is saved.


The description is the additional information provided to the end user which will be displayed below the input area.

Example: Enter the company name as in legal docs is written as the label and is saved. 

This is how the Single line text block with the label and the description will look to the end user.

Single Line Text

Default value

This is the default value that you want to add so that the end user will see the pre-filled data and doesn’t need to input any data in the single line text block.


Enable this option if you want the user to compulsorily input the data. If enabled, the end user can submit if and only if the data is entered in this field.

Advanced Options

Single Line Text

Enable this option to show the advanced options to configure the single line text block.

Display this field if

Use this if you want to show or hide a field under certain conditions. It accepts the standard Clappia Formulae, similar to conditional sections.

  1. You can type ‘@’ to get a list of all the variables in the app and select variables.
  2. Using these variables you can write Excel-like formulae.

Example: For a Yes or No question, you can show the remarks field when the answer is No.

Single Line Text

Allow value to be changed after initial submission

This option is enabled by default. End users can edit the value entered in this field after creating a submission. Disable it if you do not want the end users to edit the submitted value.

Example: A new submission has been created in the Customer Visit app. You do not want the customer's name and other details to be edited by anyone after the submission has been created.

You can also write a formula here to conditionally allow editing of the data in the block after submission.

Example: In the customer visit app, the customer email field should be editable if and only if the status of the submission is not equal to Confirmed or if the user is an admin.

Single Line Text


Select the proper validation for the single line text block to receive specific input from the end user.

Single Line Text

Supported Validations

  1. None - The end user can enter anything in the single line text block.
  2. Number - The end user can enter only numerical values in the single line text block.
  3. Email - The end user can enter only email addresses in the single line text block.
  4. URL - The end user can enter only URLs in the single line text block.
  5. Custom - Add advanced validation conditions.
Custom Validation

Example: A single line text block is used and labeled as Quantity. You want the end user to enter the quantity of not less than 5 kgs in one go.

Single Line Text

Custom validation condition

Type ‘@’ and select the quantity block and enter the condition as {quantity}>5.

Custom error message

Error! Please enter more than 5 kgs.

Here is how the final app will look if the user enters a value less than 5 in the "Quantity" field.

Single Line Text

Help Video

What is single line text?

Single Line Text in Clappia is a block that allows users to input short, single-line text data, suitable for various purposes such as names, addresses, or other brief information.

How to display an error message if a user puts in an incorrect type of data?

If you have selected an option under validation to receive specific inputs, an error message will automatically be displayed by the system if the user types in an incorrect type of data. You can also set custom error messages. Know more:

Can the Single Line Text take only certain types of inputs from users?

Yes, you can do this by using the validation option in the advanced section of the Single Line Text. You can allow users to submit only email IDs, phone numbers, or even customise it accordingly.

Can users change their input later if they have made an error during submission?

Yes, enable the option under the Advanced section that says 'Allow value to be changed after initial submission'. The user can then go to the submissions tab and correct their submissions.

How many words can a Single Line Text field take as input?

The limit is 255 per Single Line Text field

How do I ensure that users do not miss this field during submission?

Enable the 'required' option under the basic section of the Single Line Text. The user will not be able to submit data without filling in a required field once enabled.

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